How you can help your local theatre group and community
CADOS is a registered charity, set up to educate people about the dramatic arts.
We bring the joy of live theatre to members and audiences alike. We also lease Mornington Hall from the council and maintain it for many other groups and local people to enjoy.
This is only possible thanks to generous support and ongoing fundraising efforts. Could you help keep CADOS and Mornington Hall thriving for the community?
There are lots of ways to support us:​
Shop via easyfundraising - choose CADOS as your charity and we'll receive funds as you shop (at no cost to you)
You can also make a donation via JustGiving.

A huge thank you to all who have helped make our recent fundraising efforts a big success!
Quiz Night 2025
Our ever popular quiz night will take place on 18th January 2025 with teams of our members and their guests once again enjoying some brainteasers and a some wonderful buffet food . Tickets: £14 including buffet food. Call:O7597380498 or email cadosevents@gmail.com

Strictly Sparkle 2024
The 10th November is the date for or second Strictly Sparkle Event. Tickets: £12. Tea and Cake included
Email: cadosevents@gmail.com or call: Jacky on 07715421349

Karaoke Night Fundraiser 2023
Our regular karaoke night took place Saturday 25th November 2023 at the hall. Members, friends and family were in fine voice and helped raise money to help install a defibrillator for use by our community

A 'Room We Share' Concert III
Our third fundraiser concert' again celebrates the talents of local musicians. We were delighted to welcome the 'Opari Duo' again on 3rd June 2023 who treated all to a wonderful evening of music.

A 'Room We Share' Concert II
Our second fundraiser concert' again celebrated the talents of local musicians. We were delighted to welcome the 'Flutes and Frets' Duo who helped us raise £250+ towards badly needed drainage repairs

Karaoke Night Fundraiser
Friends and family really enjoyed this informal, fun-filled singalong on 11th November 2022 which raised over £500 towards our general maintenance and hall repair bills. A big thank you to our orgnaisers and all who came.

'A Room We Share' concert
Musicians who use our venue for rehearsals recognise the importance of Mornington Hall as a community asset. They put on a great concert to help raise funds for extra security after we'd suffered several incidents of vandalism.

Covid grants
Grant applications were submitted by our committee members and accepted. We can now take advantage of grants aimed at supporting community groups during the pandemic. Thank you to Waltham Forest Council.

Ward forum funding
CADOS are also grateful to Waltham Forest Council Chingford Green and Endlebury wards. Several successful grant applications of late have helped fund the toilet refurbishments, main hall and kitchen lighting and WiFi.

Party Pieces 2024
On 7th December 2024, our Writer's Group will be presenting readings of short plays based on the theme of parties. Tickets :£5 Call:O7445650935 or book online @ www.cados.org

Duck Race 2024
The Duck Race Fundraiser took place on 16th March and proved popular again. Thanks to all the local Chingford business who sponsored the races and to all who came and placed their bets

Strictly Sparkle
Professional ballroom dance couple Michael and George gave a demonstration and specialist lessons to help raise funds towards our hall main and help us buy a defibrilator for community use.

Songs from the Heart
A big thank you to our friends in the CliC Choir who generously gave a Sunday performance to help us with further fundraising towards our essential repairs campaign

CADOS Quiz Night
A quiz night is always a popular event and teams of our members and their guests once again enjoyed some brainteasers and a some wonderful buffet food whilst generously adding to our hall funds. Thanks to all who participated.

'Duck Race' Fundraiser
Thanks to all the race sponsors and all who joined us on 26th March for a 'quacking' evening of fun which raised £650 towards the re-laying and re-seeding of our garden lawn

Songbirds concert
Local singers performed a wonderful of mix of pieces in our second Autumn concert. Proceeds were donated to help with the upkeep of the hall. Thanks to all who supported, especially the talented performers.

'Heat Our Hall' campaign
Back in late 2020, Mornington Hall's very old heating system finally broke. We turned to our friends, supporters and the local community for urgent help. The support was astonishing: over £12k raised for a new heating system!

Christmas Spectacular
We hosted an evening of Christmas music featuring special guest Brad Ryan in December 2020. The concert was streamed virtually, in line with Covid guidance, and helped raise funds for the ‘Heat our Hall’ campaign.